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Arcángel International School

The Arcángel International School is a private and secular educational centre. As an authorized IB Centre, the school is already certified to deliver the continuum of International Baccalaureate programmes, being an authorized center to carry out the Primary Years Program (PYP), the Middle Years Program (MYP) and the Diploma Program (P.S). They have also been recognised with the Bronze Global School Award.

Arcángel International School hosted their partner school Warboys Primary Academy for a school immersion experience.

Overall experience of hosting your partner school and how it has strengthened your partnership

We had the opportunity to host Warboys Primary Academy during 3 days in our school and it was a very enriching experience for all of us. It was the first time we did something like this with primary students and we found it positive beyond expectations. The students could have a cultural interchange and open their minds to adapt to different people with different backgrounds and different habits. It was amazing to see how visitors and hosts wanted to learn from each other and opened themselves to it.

What were the highlights of the experience?

  • Having 3 complete days in the school helped to bond. The children were together in class, lunch time, recess, extra curricular activities.
  • It was a challenge for us to adapt the activities we had prepared thinking of the visitors so it was an opportunity for the students to practise empathy.
  • All the students of our school from different levels were excited about the visit and curious about it, wanting to participate.

What are your aspirations for the future?

We would love to deepen our relationship and visit our partner.

Would you recommend an experience like this to other schools?

Absolutely! It is an experience that only brings personal growth to all participants, students and teachers from both schools.

How has the Global School Alliance supported you?

GSA has been an absolutely necessary support in every step of the way. Toni has been the perfect link between Becky and me, holding meetings, writing emails to remind us details.

GSA has been an absolutely necessary support in every step of the way.

What did the parents say? Please share any testimonials.

Parents said this is something that must become regular as an annual activity. They are very happy because the children created a relationship and keep in touch through social media.

What did the pupils say?

The students said these have been the best days of their lives.

What did the staff say?

The staff said it was the best professional experience they have had so far. It was very demanding for them to have so much responsibility but it was more than worth it. They learned a lot from the UK students, from the other teachers and from their own students.