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Derby Spencer Moor Academy

Since joining the Sister School Partnerships programme in 2016, Derby Moor has developed strong links with Hefei and have recently been to visit their partner school Hefei No.8 Senior High School

  • The Global School Alliance have been supporting Derby Moor Spencer Academy and their international work since 2016.
  • Derby City and Derbyshire County Councils have a long and close relationship with the province of Anhui and the city of Hefei. Both cities have strong education links and the University of Derby has formed a strategic partnership with the Jiangxi University of Technology.
  • Catherine Bhundia, Vice Principal at Derby Moor Spencer Academy, was the first at the school to visit Hefei on a delegation in 2017.
  • Following the visit, students from Derby Moor went on a student exchange trip in 2019.
  • In late 2019, Derby Moor welcomed colleagues from their sister school.
  • Ian Hall, Assistant Principal, went on a delegation with other Derby schools in October 2023 to visit Hefei No.8 Senior High School and meet with the Education Bureau.
  • Derby Moor will be hosting colleagues and students from their sister school in January/February 2024.
  • The next student visit for 2025 is in planning…

November 2023 - Inset Day

After returning from the delegation to Hefei, Ian Hall organised an inset day for staff to learn about the visit and opportunities to collaborate on cross-curricular projects with the sister school.

Feedback from Staff:

Alyson Woodcock, Year 9 Manager:

“I thought your presentation was amazing, I don’t recall ever feeling excitement and passion from a speaker.  You clearly loved every (tiring) minute of your trip and the photos and items you showed us made me feel like I had almost been there with you!

What a wonderful ambassador for our school and such a role model for not only our students, but the staff and students who you came across during your trip.

You were given an amazing opportunity and boy, did you do it justice!

Thank you for sharing!”

James Kershaw, Personal Development Teacher:

“My name is James Kershaw and I am a teacher of Personal Social Health Education and Citizenship at Derby Moor Spencer Academy. On Monday 27th November 2023, there was a whole-school full day of staff INSET and CPD training. This included a detailed explanation and overview of our colleague and Assistant Principle Ian Hall’s recent Global Alliance trip, to China. During this trip, Mr Hall represented Derby Moor Spencer Academy when he visited our partnering school Hefei No 8. Mr Hall talked with great passion and enthusiasm about what he had seen whilst in China both within our partnering school and other local schools within and around Hefei. We were treated to a comprehensive Power Point Presentation of some of the experiences that Mr Hall saw whilst he was in China. This included a variety of photographs and videos showing Mr Hall in action in classrooms and with different teaching groups, demonstrating the work and performances at that time.

Chinese students seemed proud and genuinely interested to tell Mr Hall all about their school and their work and were obviously very inquisitive about schooling at Derby Moor and England in general. Mr Hall made it very clear that this was a fantastic and welcome ongoing partnership between Derby Moor Spencer Academy and Hefei No. 8 and far removed from being an attachment based on language and connection only like the long established and now outdated ‘pen-pal’ arrangements of yesteryear. This is an ongoing partnership agreement and colleagues were asked to consider and plan for how we could host and be as hospitable as possible, when staff and students from Hefei No. 8, make a return visit to Derby.

Not only did Mr Hall see some fantastic examples of education, work and passion whilst in China but at every opportunity, he clearly got time to reflect on what we are doing well at Derby Moor Spencer Academy and reminded him of why he is so proud to work in the school that he does. His presentation was inspiring, interesting and provides an ongoing challenge as to how both schools can work even closer together moving forward, to the benefit and advantage of the students that they teach.

Thank you to all those that have made this partnership possible.”

Katrina Coley, ADT Teacher:

“I thought the delivery was lovely, but I am so grateful that our school was as reverently accepted into their lives as it was.  To have students genuinely interested in what we do, how we do it and keen to find out about our student experiences was so lovely.  And to see how well you (Ian) was received, was heartwarming.

I loved hearing and seeing what students and staff ate, how they worked and getting an idea about how happy they are.  Happiness is so important.  I told my husband about the Derby themed park and he was impressed with DCFC emblem!

Thank you, it was a half hour well spent!”

Joe McNulty, Head of PE & Expressive Arts:

“It was great to hear about Mr Hall’s visit to China and all of his stories from the various school he visited. The PE and Expressive Arts Faculty are excited to welcome students from the partnership school to Derby Moor Spencer Academy and showcase our own students sporting and expressive arts talents.”

Francesca Ciaravino, Second in MFL:

“I loved the China Inset! The presentation made me want to be part of this project and get to know more the Chinese culture.”

October 2023 - Delegation to Hefei

December 2019 - Welcomed Chinese visitors

April 2019 - Student Exchange Trip to Hefei

October 2017 - Delegation to Hefei

Interesting in joining the Sister School Partnerships programme? Get in touch to find out more.