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Handforth Grange Primary School

About the school

Handforth Grange is a primary school located in Handforth, Wilmslow. We are part of The Frank Field Education Trust. We are a larger-than-average maintained primary school with a 7-place resource provision for children on the Autism Spectrum. We have 349 children on roll aging from 3 to 11. Our school vision is for the very highest expectation of academic success, behaviour, excitement and fun.

Main challenges

At The Frank Field Educational Trust, we believe that all pupils in our schools will experience a high-quality education, ensuring that all children gain the cultural capital necessary for a choice-filled life. Our vision is that social justice can be achieved through excellence in education.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many young people have struggled with confidence, building relationships and maintaining good mental health.

Similarly, many in our communities have developed negative perceptions of international travel. These views could inhibit aspirations for foreign work and travel. Through this project, we would be able to demonstrate to our families that international travel should not be viewed as a threat but something which can enrich lives. The proposed trips will inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Why global education is important to Handforth Grange Primary School

We want pupils to understand and play an active role as global citizens and to develop respect, compassion and empathy for people around the world.

We welcome the opportunity for global partnerships which would allow whole school communities the opportunity to engage with pupils and teachers from a different culture.

We want pupils to understand and play an active role as global citizens and to develop respect, compassion and empathy for people around the world.

Aspirations for the new international school partnerships

Our ‘Stepping stones’ curriculum focuses on the development of moral values and a set of skills that will enhance pupils’ ability to succeed in life and be good global citizens. We reward pupils for engaging in activities beyond the classroom and the experience of international travel will push pupils as they immerse themselves in new and unfamiliar cultures.

Visiting our partner schools in Hong Kong, Chile, Spain and Germany will be a life-changing experience. Their distance, culture, values, language, educational expectations, and politics have much to offer our pupils and the wider community.

We have chosen these countries for a number of reasons. At Handforth Grange, we have 8% of children speaking Chinese or Mandarin as their first language. Additionally, European countries such as Spain are popular ‘holiday’ destinations amongst our cohort. We wanted children to be able to relate to the destinations in some way. This allows them to further familiarise themselves with the culture and community, rather than viewing it as a place to go on holiday.

Aims for the Global School Transformation programme

Working in relatively insular communities, we value the opportunity for whole schools to interact with people from another country. This is a life-changing opportunity to challenge stereotypes that some pupils may have, and to allow them to experience first-hand the reality of different cultures. These experiences will be fundamental for pupils themselves, but also for friends and family with whom they will share their experiences. Pupils will develop tolerance and respect, two attributes vital for a healthy modern community.

How the GSA and their programme will benefit Handforth Grange Primary School

The programme has already begun on its impactful journey for our pupils. From KS1 and KS2, children have been taking part in meaningful projects to share with our partner schools in China and Spain. Through this project, we strive to ensure that we deliver a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Feedback from Teachers

“Cultural capital is a key ingredient for success in education, and the wider world.”

“I am excited to see where this project will take us in the years to come.”

“This will really aid us in tackling prejudice and helping learners become responsible global citizens.”

Feedback from Pupils

“I am excited because I do not know anyone from Hong Kong.”

“I’m looking forward to make friends all over the world.”

“I am excited to learn things I didn’t know before.”