Empowering School Leaders to Think Globally

The Global School Alliance is passionate about supporting schools to develop a global mindset that gives both staff and students valuable opportunities to better understand, explore and experience the wider world.
Our campaign ‘Empower School Leaders to Think Globally’ is designed to empower school leaders with the knowledge and resources to become a globally-minded school and embed a whole-school approach to developing globalisation, citizenship and cultural capital.
Learn how the Global School Alliance can support all aspects of your international work from establishing international links and running exchange trips, to upskilling staff and international coordinators to empower the whole school community.
How we can help

Things for school leaders to consider

  • Develop an audit and action plan to support the international policy
  • Increase awareness of international work in the school community (social media, newsletter etc.)
  • Develop a whole school approach to embedding global dimensions in the curriculum and ethos
  • Build skills, global connections and authentic global opportunities for all the school to support wider engagement from parents/carers/governors/local community/links with FE and HE
  • Ensure the value of foreign language skills develops wider confidence, social and cultural capital and intercultural understanding
  • Provide staff and international coordinators with the necessary support and CPD

How to get started

Embed international approach

If you’re looking for a whole-school approach, the Global School Transformation programme combines every element of developing globalisation, citizenship and cultural capital into an easy-to-follow, comprehensive whole-school programme.

Establish international links

International partnerships and exchanges are undoubtedly the best way to develop well-rounded, global citizens and add a real meaning and purpose to learning. We can help you to establish a partner school relationship to meet your desired outcomes and targets.

Join a Delegation

We are offering School Leaders the opportunity of a lifetime to join a Leadership Delegation to visit schools around the world with different contexts and teaching practices to learn about their education systems and develop new international partnerships.