The Global School Alliance has awarded the Bronze Award School to Azerbaijan British College, a British International School.

Nurana Tapdigova, Humanities Coordinator and Project Manager in Primary, has shared their plans for developing their whole school approach to broadening global perspectives for students and staff.

Why is global education important to you and your school?

Global education has always been crucial at Azerbaijan British College to foster a well-rounded perspective and prepare students for an interconnected world. It broadens our understanding of diverse cultures, promotes empathy, and equips students with skills to navigate a globalized society. It cultivates open-mindedness, encourages collaboration, and ensures our students are equipped to contribute meaningfully to the global community.

How can/has the Global School Alliance benefited you as a teacher and the opportunities for your school?

The Global School Alliance has enriched my teaching by providing valuable cross-cultural insights and diverse teaching methodologies. It has expanded my professional network, fostering collaboration and idea exchange. The Alliance has opened doors to joint projects, resource sharing, and global partnerships, enhancing opportunities for our school and broadening the educational experiences for both teachers and students.

The Alliance has opened doors to joint projects, resource sharing, and global partnerships, enhancing opportunities for our school and broadening the educational experiences for both teachers and students.

What benefits do you think this award will have on the whole school community?

While our recent membership in the Global School Alliance is still fresh, we are actively sharing this news with the whole school community. Already, numerous teaching staff members have expressed significant interest in engaging with related activities and training opportunities. This award will significantly elevate our school community by boosting morale, recognizing our collective efforts, and inspiring a sense of pride. It validates our commitment to excellence and innovation, attracting positive attention and potential partnerships. Moreover, it instills a sense of achievement among students, staff, and parents, fostering a supportive and motivated environment for everyone involved in the school.

How will you use this award to motivate students and staff?

We will leverage this award as a powerful motivational tool for both students and staff. Recognizing and celebrating the achievement in various forums, such as assemblies or newsletters, will inspire a sense of pride and accomplishment. Additionally, we can create recognition programs, showcasing the positive impact of everyone’s contributions. This acknowledgment serves as a catalyst for continued excellence, fostering a culture of motivation and dedication among both students and staff.

What are your plans to develop your international work?

Our plans to develop international work involve establishing strategic partnerships with schools worldwide, participating in global educational initiatives, and integrating international perspectives into our curriculum. We aim to facilitate student exchanges, collaborative projects, and cultural immersion experiences. Additionally, professional development opportunities for educators will focus on global teaching methodologies. Through these initiatives, we aspire to broaden our international network, enhance cross-cultural understanding, and provide students with a truly global education.