Join us on Tuesday 21st January at 4pm UK time for an insightful and informative webinar and Q&A session with Julie Sutcliffe, our Education Development Lead for MFL and former National Lead Practitioner for MFL with over 30 years of experience in the classroom and large multi-academy trust

Developing the Listening Skill in the MFL Classroom, 4pm UK time

Researchers have described listening as the “Cinderella” of the four skills in language education. They say that just like Cinderella in the famous tale, listening is neglected, taken for granted and overlooked by its step-sisters, reading, writing and even speaking, which are given greater importance in research and in classrooms.
In this webinar, we will help you develop a deeper understanding of how to develop listening with your students with information around the micro-skills needed in the process as well as practical tasks you can implement in your classroom straight away.

Meet the Speaker!

Julie Sutcliffe, School Improvement Lead, Global School Alliance

Julie has over 30 years of experience in the classroom, over 20 of which were in middle and senior leadership, and more recently as a National Lead Practitioner for MFL with a large multi-academy trust where she provided bespoke training and support, as well as delivering regular CPD sessions to over 30 schools. The support she provides is therefore one rooted in practical expertise, yet forward-thinking and committed to empowering educators and students, opening

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