This webinar is open to Primary School Leaders in the UK.

Pango: how to balance choice and quality in teaching resources

Thursday 3rd November at 4 pm GMT

The Global School Alliance has partnered with Pango Education to showcase the abundance of quality teaching resources designed to empower teachers and improve outcomes.

Pango brings together all the best Primary teaching content into one app – think Deliveroo but for teaching resources! We partner with quality resource creators so teachers can find trusted resources in one place. Our collaboration and planning tools make it easier to track curriculum coverage, share lessons and plan. We give teachers the gift of time without sacrificing quality.

All delegates will be given a free 1 week trial of Pango Premium or Pro and a 20% discount.

Join the webinar on Thursday 3rd November at 4 pm GMT to learn about the innovative platform with the Founder Adam Still.


Meet the Founder

Adam founded Pango while studying for an MBA at Harvard Business School as a Fulbright Scholar.  Prior to that he was the Director of Programmes for the Varkey Foundation, where he worked with Ministries of Education around the world and was responsible for running the Foundation’s major aid-funded education projects in sub-Saharan Africa.  Adam is also an alumnus of the Teach First programme having taught maths in a London secondary school after graduating from Jesus College, Oxford.

Adam is now the Co-Founder and CEO of Pango, an EdTech startup that is seeking to unlock every teacher’s maximum potential by unifying the digital education content industry for the benefit of the world’s 1 billion schoolchildren.

About Pango Education

Founded by a former teacher who saw the fragmentation in the educational content landscape, Pango saves teachers and schools time and money by unifying the world of teaching resources – giving you everything you need in one place. Think Spotify, but for education!

No need for multiple logins, multiple subscriptions and multiple browser tabs to hunt for content from different sources – Pango partners with high-quality content producers to bring it all together for you in one app.

Discover & plan more efficiently by finding outstanding resources, creating great lessons and collaborating with colleagues on Pango.


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